
Oblivion armor of the crusader
Oblivion armor of the crusader

oblivion armor of the crusader

  • Corrected the Prophet mispronouncing “Adabal-a” as “Abadal-a” (Sound\Voice\Knights.esp\Imperial\M\NDConversations_NDProphetSpeechUmaril_00002A5D_1.mp3 and NDConversations_NDProphetSpeechUmaril_00002A5D_1.lip).
  • Corrected the dead versions of Errandil and Ohtesse looking nothing like them.
  • Twenty-Fourth Release (2016-Aug-13) Knights of the Nine bugs fixed (v1.1.9): (Meshes\Architecture\Bravil\UOMPSundercliffWall02.NIF) In the course of integrating his work into the patch the opportunity has been taken to rationalize the structure of some nifs, this may also improve performance. Pherim corrected this by converting the meshes in each nif to TriShapes, which resolved the problem.
  • This mesh was identified by Pherim as containing TriStrips with composed of multiple strip lengths, this was causing the Oblivion game engine to make multiple draw calls for each strip segment rather one for each TriStrip which was impacting performance.
  • Twenty-Fifth Release (2021-Nov-02) Mehrunes' Razor bugs fixed (v1.0.8):

    oblivion armor of the crusader

    Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches: Version Historyīy Quarn, Kivan, Arthmoor, PrinceShroob, and Sigurð Stormhand

    Oblivion armor of the crusader